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Who May Be Liable for a Driverless Car Accident in Arizona?

Posted on March 13, 2024 in
Driverless or autonomous vehicles are no longer a distant concept but a reality on the roads of road in Arizona and across the United States. However, the transition to this new era raises important questions, particularly when it comes to accidents. This is because, typically, in Arizona car accidents, the driver responsible for the...
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What Is Logo Liability and How Can It Impact Your Arizona Truck Accident Claim?

Posted on March 7, 2024 in
When a commercial truck is involved in an accident, the aftermath is usually a complex web of legal considerations based on federal law. Logo liability, a legal doctrine with significant implications, most often comes into play, potentially altering the legal course of your Arizona truck accident claim by increasing your ability to prove liability...
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Who Is At Fault When the Weather Causes Your Car Accident?

Posted on February 26, 2024 in
Arizona often experiences hazardous weather during monsoon season, dust storms, and extreme heat, making driving conditions highly dangerous. All drivers must assess the weather conditions and drive carefully if they choose to travel. If you are injured in an accident caused or contributed to by bad weather, you may wonder who can be held...
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What If the Plaintiff Dies Before Their Personal Injury Case is Resolved?

Posted on February 23, 2024 in
What happens to the personal injury case if the plaintiff dies before it's resolved? Arizona law says that the pain and suffering plus other non-economic claims die with the victim, but the past medical expenses and other past economic damages can still be recovered by the victim’s probate estate, spouse, etc. ARS 12-613 allows...
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Understanding Your Pedestrian Rights After an Accident Involving Jaywalking

Posted on February 21, 2024 in
It was a routine morning walk that took an unexpected turn. Stepping off the curb, you suddenly find yourself in the midst of an accident, one where your own jaywalking blurs the lines of fault and responsibility. Such incidents are common and often leave those involved feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their legal standing...
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