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4 Tips for Driving Safely in Arizona Winter Weather

Posted on February 6, 2022 in

Winter in Arizona is beautiful. The frosty fog and crystallized wildlife are breathtaking against the Arizona skyline. While winter is a beautiful season, it can also be incredibly dangerous. The icy grounds and cold air create hazardous conditions for everyone, including drivers. Driving in any kind of storm is dangerous, but often the most dangerous part of the storm is the aftermath and debris. Snowstorms leave behind mountains of snow and icy roads, making it dangerous to drive if drivers don’t take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents. During hazardous road conditions, it’s important to take the initiative to help avoid and prevent accidents for your safety and the safety of others.

4 Winter Safety Tips for Arizona Drivers

During winter in Arizona, driving becomes a little more challenging because of the piles of snow and ice on the road. The snow and extra slippery surfaces make driving a bit more complicated than usual during the winter. However, the weather does not always have to prevent you from driving. It just means drivers need to take extra care of themselves and their vehicles and be extra vigilant to their surroundings. Below are 4 tips to staying safe while driving in Arizona this winter.

1. Check Your Vehicle

Before driving your car during the winter months, you should check:

  • Tire pressure
  • Fluid levels
  • Headlights
  • Signal lights
  • Wiper blade’s function
  • The brakes

A car suffering from damage or lack of maintenance is not safe to drive around during Arizona winters. Cars need proper maintenance year-round, but winter weather can exacerbate issues already present and place you and others on the road in danger. Check the weather and make sure your car is in top shape when those temperatures begin to drop.

2. Carry an Emergency Kit

Unfortunately, even with all the precautions, car accidents happen. In the case of certain accidents or unfortunate situations, having an emergency kit in your car could save your life long enough for help to arrive. Consider having the following in your emergency kit:

  • Essential medications
  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Extra clothes
  • Jumper cables
  • Tire chains
  • 1-3 canned goods

These are just a few items to consider including in your kit. However, what’s important is that your kit is built according to your needs. Additionally, it’s beneficial to have an emergency kit during all seasons, not just winter.

3. Leave Room for Snowplows

Snowplows are big vehicles shoveling ice on the ground and caring for the roads. An accident with a snowplow can have fatal consequences, which is why it’s necessary to leave enough space for three to five cars. Not only does the distance protect you, but it allows the snowplow to do its job.

4. Try to Remain Calm If the Car Begins to Skid

Skidding often happens during winter. If your car begins to skid, stay focused on where you want to position your car instead of the direction it’s going. Get a hold of the steering wheel and start turning until you can set your vehicle to the desired position. Avoid any quick brakes; this will likely cause you to lose control of your car.

Contact our Jensen Phelan Law Firm Personal Injury Lawyer

During an Arizona winter, getting into a car accident could leave you with severe injuries and questions about what to do next. A car accident can be a traumatic experience even if the physical injuries aren’t severe, and victims of negligent drivers deserve fair compensation for any damages they sustain.

The specialist personal injury lawyers at Jensen Phelan Law Firm have represented injured accident victims for decades. We specialize in helping victims claim their right to fair compensation and helping them pursue justice. You can schedule a consultation with us today at (928) 778-2660 or by filling out our contact form.