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How Does Arizona’s Extreme Summer Heat Affect Drivers?

Posted on September 17, 2022 in

If you live in Arizona, you may know how the local weather conditions can affect your driving experience. Especially how extreme the summer sun might feel. As you go about your daily tasks, the heat might affect your body and your mental well-being. Because of these factors, you may have a few questions. Does the summer heat affect drivers? And in what ways might the heat affect your ability to drive safely and accurately? Will heat make for vehicle failures that put you in danger?

If you’re interested in learning about how the summer heat might affect your ability to drive, you’re in the right place. We at Jensen Phelan Law Firm may be able to help you reach a better understanding. We are specialist personal injury lawyers, so we are deeply familiar with car accident laws and all the leading causes of vehicular accidents. 

How Arizona Summer Heat Might Affect Drivers

If you’re worried about the summer heat affecting you while driving, you’re right to feel somewhat concerned. Heat exhaustion is a serious concern, and it may severely impact your ability to retain focus and drive safely. Alternatively, other drivers might be impacted by heat exhaustion and cause dangerous road hazards and collisions. Finally, cars and trucks can have mechanical failures due to lack of proper maintenance, dangerous design defects, etc., such as brake failure at a critical moment or tire failure causing a lane change into oncoming traffic, etc.

Being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion may help you drive safely. This knowledge may also help protect you if a reckless driver causes an accident because they are suffering from heat exhaustion. Some of the signs of heat exhaustion may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Fatigue, tiredness, or sleepiness
  • Weakness
  • Delayed reaction time
  • Dehydration (more common than most people think)
  • Sweating
  • Irritability
  • Inattentiveness (caused by any of the above and more)

In the same way that driving under the influence is illegal, driving while tired is not recommended as you may fall asleep on the road or become more easily distracted. Distracted driving (such as by cell phone use, eating, drinking, and other distractions) and delayed reactions may result in excess dangers on the road, and a driver who does not practice safe driving may act irrationally.

How Can a Lawyer Help With Your Car Accident?

If you are injured due to a car accident, a lawyer may be able to help. When other drivers are distracted or have delayed reaction time, they are responsible for their irresponsible actions and paying for your damages. If you would monetary compensation to help move your life forward after your accident, your lawyer may be able to help in some of the following ways:

  • Provide legal knowledge
  • Negotiation tactics
  • Handle insurance companies and other legal representatives
  • Maximize your potential compensation
  • Lower your level of fault
  • Help strategize the next best steps
  • Collect and analyze evidence
  • Lead and join investigations
  • Refer you to medical and other professionals (such as specialists for your injury)
  • Provide helpful resources by reason of skill and experience in injury law
  • Reduce stress levels – a fully competent injury law firm will take care of the problems that occur with every case, such as the insurance adjustor requesting proof of your pre-existing conditions involving years of your prior medical records (and may require the lawyer to make objections as to records unrelated to your injury claims issues)

If you are injured, it’s a good idea to hire a lawyer as quickly as possible, as this allows you to take the best possible steps and get the facts organized efficiently. Hire the lawyer as soon as possible: the legal fees are the same and having a lawyer start working on your case gives you a better result and avoids the risk of you making a mistake with a “friendly” insurance adjuster. If you may need to take legal action, especially in a serious injury case involving a lot of money (the type that insurers most ofter dispute), avoid representing yourself and speak to an attorney without delay.

Additionally, it’s a great idea to hire the best specialist personal injury lawyer you are able. Top-quality legal representation often translates to more significant awards and improved compensation. The percentage legal fees are most often the same. Beware of discount legal fees available: “you get what you pay for.” Which lawyer or law firm has the best qualifications and history of success? Will you be dealing with a lawyer or a paralegal? Do your research.

Get the Compensation You Deserve With Jensen Phelan Law Firm’s Specialist Personal Injury Lawyers in Arizona

If you are looking for legal representation, especially after a car accident, we at Jensen Phelan Law Firm may be able to assist you. If you are injured, we strongly believe you deserve to be fairly compensated to help you financially as you recover. We are specialist personal injury lawyers, and we are dedicated to supporting our clients through every step of the legal process.

If you need to retain a lawyer and think we might be a good fit for your legal representation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for a free assessment of your case and explanation of your rights. By hiring us, you may be able to discuss the details of your case, take advantage of our legal knowledge and strategies, and gain access to our useful resources. Feel free to call us at (928) 778-2660 or complete our contact form at your convenience. We are patiently waiting to hear from you.